Helena Tarot

Clearsentient Tarot reader


My Tarot readings aim at one thing: empowering my querent. Our future is not carved in stone and it is my goal to show you how you can find a way forward and make the future into what you need it to be.

I am not psychic, nor am I a fortuneteller. I will not tell you what will happen but rather how you can make it happen. Your future is what you make it!

No third party readings! My cards do not spy on anyone, so let’s make the reading about you. I will show you what is likely to happen between the two of you in the future and what you can do about it yourself. The power is with you!

My cards don’t predict death or deliver bad news, nor do they read medical, legal or pregnancy related issues.

My cards do not give guarantees, they only show alternatives you yourself can choose from. Again, power is with you!

My cards do not give exact times, places or amounts.

To offer you a more leisurely reading I also offer special spreads for a fixed price ranging from $12 to $59. Do ask me more!

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

I am a kind person, and being clearsentient I’m highly empathetic. If you have a broken heart, I will feel it with you. I am not psychic nor am I a fortune teller; instead I offer you guidance and encouragement.

I will help you see where you are at right now, how did you come here and what is waiting for you in the future – unless you decide to change your course.


I am Helena, a clearsentient Tarot reader with close to 30 years’ experience with card reading.

I’m a native Finn and I incorporate my national heritage into my readings. Living in Finnish Lapland means I live in a forest and the natural deities are all around me. My approach to life is holistic, I firmly believe we are all valuable just the way we are.

You already have all the answers you need and I am here to help you find them.

helenatarot's photo

Languages: English, Finnish

Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT+02:00) June 02, 2024, 02:01PM


Last seen: more than a month ago

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